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Welcome to
Studying in Canada 

An International Student Guide

As an international student myself, studying in Canada can be a gateway to many exciting opportunities. Whether you plan to return home with a Canadian degree, leverage your new education to thrive in the Canadian job market for a few years, or even settle in Canada permanently after you graduate, your Canadian education will play a significant role in your future success.


This leads us to the question - What does success mean for international students? In my view, it encompasses all aspects of your journey. While your primary focus will be on academic achievements, this is also the time to explore Canadian culture, and learn to balance your study, life and health.


In this website, you will find a path to success, right from the start. Whether you’ve just started thinking about studying in Canada, have already applied for admission into a Canadian school, or are currently starting your study, this website will provide you with tips and resources to help you fulfill your goals and succeed in all aspects of student life.


"Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone."

Wendell Berry

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